Sustainability Challenge No 1
Here is how it works:
- each week (on Sundays) I post a new lesson
- sadly, you must remember to come back (my personal blog does not have a newsletter service)
- there are no sales pitches
Why am I doing this?
Because it is right and dear to my heart.
Small changes can have a huge impact.
You are not a drop in the ocean - you are the ocean in a drop!
Many Americans feel that a lifestyle respectful towards our planet and its resources is important. On the other hand, it should not be too complicated, time-consuming or expensive. But they'd be willing to make changes if they knew how.
This training takes your need for simple and easy to implement steps into account.
So let's start this. Are you ready for your sustainability challenge?
Sustainability in everyday life
Shop produce smarter
Mmmmhhh I love cherries. Those cherries are so nice. I love them year-round.
The first week is about shopping produce. We all know our stores are full of fruit and veggies from overseas. And produce that is out of season or does not even grow where we live.
With some offers, it's clear to us they have a negative environmental impact. And we don't buy them.
More often we shop out of habit and miss that the onions are from South Africa and the grapes from Australia.
Or we check for the "organic" label and overlook that our strawberries left a carbon footprint of the size of Bigfoot on their way from China to our shopping cart.
And this is where we start. We start by raising our awareness and shop smarter.
Exercise No 1:
For seven days, buy only regional and seasonal veggies and fruit.
You can find a seasonal calendar
HERE and there are plenty others on the internet.
Take the time to study the country of origin and make sure you only buy seasonal, regional produce.
Take mental notes of the items that would have landed in your basket that are not environmentally friendly. You will be amazed how many fruits are from different continents even in June.
If you find real bummers you'd normally have purchased? Great! You've learned something and from now on will check the label twice before you buy.
You love bananas, pineapple or something else that does not grow in your region? Allow yourself a few missteps. Just make sure you buy the organic version and truly enjoy it.
What does it for you and the environment?
- Produce that is in season has typically more nutrients.
- You help to save energy (short transportations, reduction of CO2). Seasonal also means that produce is not grown in greenhouses.
- If you buy organic, it means no pesticides which helps bees and other insects. Organic food is also better for your health and often tastier.
- You help the soil. Ecological agriculture results in better soil.
Enjoy your first challenge and the feeling of doing something good for your planet. See you next week?
Part 2 will be available on June, 25th. You might be able to subscribe to the RSS feed (honestly, I am not sure if and how that works) or just bookmark the blog or follow me on
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