Why we stopped posting relationship picturesOne could think that only two kinds of users exist on the internet: The ones that take us to their bedroom, offer intimate insights into their relationships and love life (and don´t forget the family vacation) - and those who are tired of just that.

Who can hold it against them? Nobody knows who might gossip about our posts. The former BFF? The ex-fiancee? Mother in law? At times it can seem as if the whole world is watching your stream, especially the ones you would not want to keep a close eye on you.

How about just deleting the profile, closing the account and going back to being a private person? For most this is not a realistic option.

Social Media Culture 2016

In many companies, cliques, and industries, being present on social media is required by unwritten, unofficial law. Potential employers want to know who they are dealing with - just like ex-boyfriends. And where can you learn more about a person than on social media?

If you show a face - show your own. 

Narcissism and self-representation

The challenge is a favorable balance between narcissism and likable self-representation. Often the actors of the social media circus are being accused of being self-centered or conceited. Selfies are perceived as the product of teenagers (and the Kardashians...) longing for attention.

But is that all there is to it?

Starting a media offensive allows us to be in control of what we want to share. After all, we are not presenting anything people who are close to us would not know anyway. Make-up, hair, our shoes, what we had for breakfast. 

Friends and Co-workers are interchangeable

Friends, relationships, and workplaces are interchangeable for most twentysomethings, and they will change. But you can trust that you will be stuck in your skin until the end of your life. Setbacks, breakups, new friends are not part of this new social media strategy. 
Self-focused accounts enable us to be present but protect meaningful events and personal relationships

Private and meaningful events are hidden behind selfies in 2016, what someone was wearing or what he had for dinner. We know we are more than we present on social media. Just we do not share it with our followers. Followers are invited to learn what we are wearing - not what makes us tick. 

A closer look reveals that more and more social media affine people rethink their strategy. Less intimate pictures - more pictures of flowers, the favorite book, your breakfast. Nothing of this is captious. 
That leaves another question: How "social" is social media in 2016?  Does the world care what I had for breakfast? And: Is the new trend for fake authenticity more annoying than overly intimate content?
Check back - I will be releasing a podcast "Fake authenticity and why I love BeBee" later today.